Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 25 2011

2006 Arial photo of the camp

Arial view of the camp showing the work progressing

Arial view of the lodge

Once again we had a great turnout with approximately 60 workers! The Kamp is really starting to look finished and progress is becoming more and more evident. Thank you to all who have helped in any way. If the energy can continue all summer, we will be ready for camps before the snowfall.


- The exterior is completely painted and some of the exterior lighting has been installed.
- The kitchen and ADA portions are being sheet-rocked this week.
- The next step for the Lodge/Kitchen is to install FRP on some of the walls to prevent moisture/mold build up around areas with water use. Then it's painting and equipment installation!


- The saunas are partially framed and could possibly be completed this weekend (framing portion)
- The slabs will be poured once the framing is done
- The showers have curbs and a sloped floor
- The next step for the baths is to complete framing of saunas and install the siding, trim and windows

Staff Cabin:

- We passed our final inspection with a few items left to finalize. Otherwise it's done!

Septic System:

- Progress continues and both leach fields have been dug and some pipe installed on the Men's side.

Boys gathering boulders for lining the pathways and steps throughout the camp

Grading the area west of the main lodge patio

After some additional cleanup, the staff cabin will be ready for inspection

Prepping the shower for draining and tile finish

Brush cleanup continues

Filling and leveling the drain fields with sand

The sauna on the boy's bathhouse during the framing stage

The sauna on the girl's bathhouse partially framed

About 200 tons of sand was moved on this workday to fill the drain fields