Boys side drain field, installed 65 pads as well as the pipes for the drain field.
The main lodge, kitchen and ADA rooms painted.
All interior sleeping cabins are cleaned, vacuumed, washed and ready for paint.
Boys sauna roof was sheeted.
Cut out another pull out on the road from the Caretakers Cabin to the Main Lodge, used the material from that cutout for fill on the west side of the Main Lodge.
Completed clean out under the staff cabin and all around and construction debris was removed.
Completed more pathways by the girls cabins.
To be completed:
Girls side drain field needs the pipes, pads, mesh and final connections before it can be inspected.
Boys side drain field needs final connections as well as put a mesh over the top of the pipes before inspection.
The steps from the main lodge to the outdoor amphitheater needs to be completed.
The sauna framing and sheeting on the girls side needs to be finished.
Boys and girls saunas need wiring and exterior siding installed as well as the sheet metal roof.
FRP for the kitchen was not completed and will need to be done next week.