Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Belated Update

This update from May 17-23 is late due to Blogger errors. A more recent update will follow soon.

Staff Cabin:

- Interior portion painted, this includes doors, casing and walls
- Some of the electrical outlets were installed

Main Lodge:

- Rough Combo inspection did not pass (not a surprise with a commercial kitchen)
- Fixed winter damaged duct work for Water Heater exhaust
- Installed remaining roof jacks to penetrations through roof on west side of kitchen
- Installed other half of T&G on ceiling in Sanctuary and above fireplace (complete)
- Installed finished plywood to projector screen
- Caulked 2/3 of exterior siding
- Rough electrical work in kitchen finalized

Septic System:

- Obtained new septic permit and laid out where the new system is going


- Obtained sauna prints from YC Building officials and have a few revisions that need to be made prior to receiving building permit


- Planning is in the final stages for the new parking lot and final grades